KiNRG developed and owns the intellectual property to a bold, new clean energy technology that will provide an abundant source of green electricity to industries, utilities, and government entities.

Rendering by N Akel


Designed by a team of world-class engineering partners, this patented Downdraft Energy Tower is not only revolutionary in design, but also in cost and durability.


Compared to traditional solar or wind farms, the Tower is approximately half the cost to construct and will last twice as long – unheard of among renewable energy technologies.


The technology operates most efficiently in arid climates.


This dual-renewable sourcing can exponentially increase the tower’s energy productivity.


The demonstration to the right depicts the Tower in operation. The color of the arrows represent the current internal temperature of the air, which transitions from hot near the top of the Tower to cold as the air rapidly races towards its base.

Graphic Generally Produced by N Akel



The Downdraft Energy Tower is a hyperbolic concrete structure with a water injection system at the top that introduces measured droplets of water through a distribution header.


The water droplets introduced near the top of the tower immediately begin to evaporate due to the sun-warmed air at the very top of the Tower.


The natural evaporative process immediately begins to cool the surrounding air inside the top of the Tower. As evaporation and cooling continues, the cooler/denser air inside the Tower descends, reaching speeds exceeding 50 mph.


The now significantly colder, denser, damp and compressed air amassed near the base of the Tower flows laterally into tunnels surrounding the base of the Tower, achieving wind speeds up to and well in excess of 100 mph.


A patented system of turbines extracts the kinetic energy inside the wind tunnels and generates green electricity..

Content Generally Produced by N Akel


Replaces the following (per year):
Barrels of Oil
Tons of Coal
CF of Natural Gas

Generates AC or DC power or both


Operates 24/7 (Solar collectors and wind turbines only produce when the sun shines or the wind blows)


Energy production costs: equal or lower than fossil fuel facilities


To optimize the siting and potential of Downdraft Energy Towers, KiNRG developed the Global Energy Generation Calculator, a proprietary software-based analytical program that determines energy generation capabilities of the Towers based upon global climate data.

This valuable tool applies meteorological data of a specific area to the Tower’s variables to predict energy outputs on a daily basis. By entering weather data for a potential site into the program, the Tower’s height and diameter can be adjusted, along with the amount of water required as fuel, to create a desired amount of energy. Scientific advancements over the last decade make it possible to assess predictable weather conditions, providing significant enhancements to the tool’s accuracy.

Thus, KiNRG can quickly respond to a request from a country interested in developing a Downdraft Energy Tower to determine optimal Tower location, size and electricity output. KiNRG’s patented technology solution, combined with this analytical tool, offers a unique way to optimize the positioning of its Towers to provide maximum benefit in meeting the world’s energy needs.